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How to customize VR Menu

VR Menu is a set of runtime tools that can be accessed while playing a simulation in virtual reality. You can remove unneeded functions or add custom functions to it for your simulation.

The following example will show you how to add a new tool to the VR Menu. We will add an headlight tool on our player helmet, that can be switch on or off from the VRMenu.

Create the headlight tool

  1. Add a Light component in [Player_1]/Devices/HeadPos

  2. Set the Unity Light component as a spotlight

  3. Set the light transform to fit on the avatar helmet:

    Position (x = 0, y = 0.05, z=0)
    Rotation (x = 15, y = 0, z = 0)
  4. Create a custom script to switch this light on/off and add it to the light GameObject.

public class ToggleLights : MonoBehaviour
    public Light headLight;
    public void Switch()
        if (headLight.enabled)
            headLight.enabled = false;
            headLight.enabled = true;

Customize VR Menu to switch headlight

  1. Go to [Player_1]/VRMENU/MenuHolder/MenuCollider/Canvas/MenuVerticalContent/Pages/Core/Container/

  2. Duplicate one of the existing feature gameobject (CrossSection, Painter, Measure, etc) and rename the new gameobject as Lights.

  3. In the Image component change the Source Image to edit the button image.

  4. In its children gameobject Text you can edit the button text.
  5. Remove the VRMenuItem script from your newly created gameobject.
  6. In Button>OnClick() add your custom script and select the desired function that will be triggered by the click event.